Jonathan Soriano: VinSuperNaturel
We try to make people understand that VSN is more than just natural wines. It's an experience and we call ourselves an entertainment company. - In a chat with Jonathan Soriano, he talks about the start of VinSuperNaturel, visions for the future, recommendations from the Copenhagen and international food scene and being a company with a responsibility.
When I came back to Copenhagen I was tired of the fashion industry and tried to lure my chef friends from London over but they were not convincible, so we started working on our ideas and dreams ourselves.
Was natural wine something that many people knew about back then?
Yes but it has grown extremely. We hit it perfectly in terms of timing. It's only in the last few years that natural wine has really been a big deal. I don't think you'll find anywhere in the world that sells more natural wine than Copenhagen. In 2015 we took over the old Soulland store on Gl. Kongevej. It became the place we put all our projects into, and it was here we laid the foundation for VinSuperNaturel. The whole foundation was in selling natural wine, and being able to do other exciting projects on the side.
"We didn't reinvent the wheel. For us it was super important that it was made easy and accessible to buy natural wines. We are not someliers but we have a different approach to natural wine through the other projects we do with VinSuperNaturel."